Fashion, art and easy money in the modern tattoo culture

Hello, my name is Alexander Ledovskih, I am the editor-in-chief of iNKPPL Tattoo Magazine. This article is the first of "editor's column", in which I will try to tell my vision of modern tattoo culture, most clearly and accurately, with all the variety of its pros and cons. We will talk about tattooing in its international format, because pigments and needles do not speak any other language, except the language of art..
The tattoo in the early 21st century is experiencing a real upsurge. Design, painting, graphics - everything is firmly intertwined in the tattoo culture going beyond the classical form. The creativity of tattoo artists is no longer limited by traditional styles. The variety of tattooing techniques is amazing! There is a complete freedom for self-expression!
Along with the general popularity of this direction of art, technologies are also developing. Earlier, the inability to purchase equipment in free sale allocated tattoo masters among the rest of the population, precisely by the criterion of a unique profession. Nowadays: the market of tattoo equipment is oversaturated with the offer, lessons for self-study on Youtube, master classes - all this became available to everyone! And accordingly, more and more people are want to join this profession. Now there are several main motivators that are pushing people to take the path of a tattoo artist, we will consider them now:

As mentioned above, in the recent past, tattoo artists were some sort of heroes standing out from the others. The echo of this state gradually grew into fashion. Now it's incredibly not fashionable to walk every day to the office for boring trivial work and live the days similar to each other. It's fashionable to be creative, it's fashionable to do tattoos. Unfortunately, it's the one of the evils of modern tattoo culture - the complete lack of artistic value and quality approach for masters who have chosen the "fashion path". Do it somehow, for only to loudly call ourselves - tattoo artists. For the most part, these people have become unpremeditated parents of the Cover Up nomination of international tattoo conventions.

Easy Money
This is a typical misconception. This way can seem easy only to the person from outside. The path of a true tattoo master from the beginning of a career, to recognition and decent fees - takes years of hard work and development. And not everyone can passed even half of it.

I'm able to draw - I can do the tattoos
Undoubtedly, without artistic skills it is better not to take up a tattoo machine, but without true inspiration of the tattoo it is impossible to achieve such desirable heights! Motivated by this conclusion, people make up a good half of modern tattoo artists. Most of them do not seek a unique style for self-expression, but just simply get rid of office, social discipline and continue to live and earn in a more pleasant environment, repeating the work of famous masters and satisfying the whims of an artless population, that endlessly chasing to discounts.

This is the most important motivator that gives birth to real stars. And yes, many of them went through many problems, trying to find an implementation for their talent. However, this way has no brakes, no limits. Development from tattoo to tattoo, day after day, year after year. Experiments with techniques, styles, self-learning, sharing experiences with colleagues, conventions, guest spots and this list can be continued indefinitely. These the masters are admired, this is category of tattoo artists we proudly present to you.

In conclusion, I would like to say one very banal phrase, but it's not losing relevance. Let it also be some parting words to all who are already engaged, who are just beginning or just think about taking a tattoo machine: "If you do not see your life without it - do it, learn and do it, do it and learn. If for you it is only "fashion" or, as you think "easy money" - do not waste time and do something else, because you will be disappoint."
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