In this exclusive interview, Denis Casella, widely recognized by his pseudonym Posco Losco, shares his journey from Milan to becoming a prominent tattoo artist across Italy. Denis talks about his creative process, the experiences that shaped his unique style, and his success at renowned tattoo conventions. From humble beginnings to mastering the art of Chicano tattooing, he provides insight into his world of ink, artistry, and future aspirations.

Let's start with an introduction. Where are you from? Where do you currently work and take appointments?

Hello! Thank you for having me. I was born and raised in Milan, Italy, and currently, I divide my time working between Milan and Florence, but I’m constantly working in southern Italy too. For sure, you can be tattooed by me anywhere in Italy.

tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

For you, is tattooing an art, a job, or something else?

I started tattooing as a hobby. During the first two years, I never thought about making money from it; I just wanted to improve my skills and become good at it. It eventually turned into a job, and I’m so glad and grateful for that because it still feels like a game to me. Every morning when I wake up, I don't think, 'I have to go to work,' but rather, 'I get to play with tattoos.'

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

When did you first think about getting a tattoo, and how did that turn out? Did you have any teachers, or are you self-taught?

I was just curious about tattoos and never thought of getting one myself. One day, I accompanied my best friend for his first tattoo, and after that, I booked my own. The tattoo artist who did it later became one of my mentors when he started my sleeve. We spent the whole day talking about the tattoo world, and when the session was over, he asked to see some of my work and offered me an apprenticeship. And here I am now!
At that shop, they specialize in traditional and Japanese tattoos, which are quite different from my style. However, it helped me a lot in understanding the techniques and mechanisms involved.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

On Instagram, you are known as Posco Losco – where did this pseudonym come from? What does it mean?

Everyone asks me this! It doesn’t actually mean anything. When I was young, around 15 years old, I wanted a tag, a pseudonym so I wouldn’t have to use my real name. I tried out a lot of different names on paper until I came up with 'PoscoLosco,' and I thought, 'Okay, this works, I like it.'

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Why did you choose the Chicano style specifically? What attracts you to this style?

When I first started working from home, I accidentally came across some Boogstar sketches from From the Streets with Love, and I instantly fell in love with them. However, I didn’t have the technical skills to create that style, so I stuck with traditional and lettering tattoos. That changed one day when I met Antonio Macko during a guest spot at his shop in southern Italy. He was working on a payasa, and I was blown away by his technique and the subject matter. When I returned home, I became determined to learn everything I could about Chicano art, which is difficult to study in Italy. I began to develop my own interpretation, blending Chicano themes with realistic techniques.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

What unique features of your work can you highlight yourself? How has your style changed over the years with the experience you’ve gained?

I'm pretty sure the magnum texture in my tattoos is the most recognizable feature. Over the years, I tried to incorporate lettering or elements that would complement my subjects. But with the help of good friends who advised me not to force or distort my style, I realized that I just needed to focus on improving my technique to make it as clean as possible. They told me that’s enough for people to recognize my work!

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

What is the most appealing aspect of your work?

In my case, it's about traveling around Europe and Italy and meeting lots of people who want my tattoos! I love combining my guest spots with vacations. Also, meeting amazing clients who choose to get tattooed by me.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

We know that you conduct authorial courses. Tell us about them. Who are they for?

I started doing seminars about 4 or 5 years ago. When I conduct them in person, I can better understand the participants' skill levels, fears, and gaps, and we work on those areas together. Last year, I released my first online seminar, and I chose to start with a basic one—focusing on a simple subject, straightforward placement, and clear explanations. It was just the beginning; I’m now working on a few more complex ones! They are for anybody who wants to learn and get a better understanding of tattooing and improving their skills.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

What is the most important thing in tattooing for you?

Don’t talk too much; let your work speak for you. Being patient and respectful was the key for me.

You've had some amazing success at tattoo conventions, especially the Milan Tattoo Convention, which is one of the top events in Europe. This year, you snagged 3rd place in the medium black and gray category, following up on your 2nd place win in 2022 and 1st place in 2020. That’s seriously impressive! For those who might not know, could you share a bit about what the Milan Tattoo Convention is like?

The Milan Tattoo Convention has been an amazing experience for me. It’s not just a place to showcase my work but also to connect with so many talented artists from around the world. The energy there is incredible, with over 500 artists coming together to share their craft. It’s filled with creativity, inspiration, and a lot of fun. With 23 years of history, it’s one of the oldest and most respected conventions in Europe, and being a part of it is always a highlight for me.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

You've also made quite an impression at the Bern Tattoo Convention, where you snagged 1st place in both the Black and White category and Best of Saturday, plus 2nd place for Best of Friday. That's a pretty impressive haul! How do these achievements influence your career as a tattoo artist?

These awards have been a game-changer for my career. They’ve helped build my reputation and opened up new opportunities, letting me connect with a broader audience. More than that, they keep me motivated to keep honing my skills and experimenting with new techniques in black and gray tattooing.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

You've also had the chance to judge at some pretty big conventions, like the Urban Land Tattoo Expo in Rome for the past three years and the Ancona Tattoo Expo in 2022. Urban Land alone features over 800 artists and attracts more than 10,000 visitors! What’s that experience been like for you?

It’s been amazing! Judging at these huge conventions is a blast. It’s not just about seeing incredible work from all over the world, but also about giving back to the community and spotting new talent. Being part of these events lets me stay connected to the industry and celebrate the creativity of up-and-coming artists.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

What’s your take on the role of sponsors in these conventions?

Sponsors are a huge part of what makes these conventions run smoothly and keep the tattoo scene buzzing. Companies like Balm Tattoo Italia, LT. Tattoo Equipment, Bishop Tattoo Supply, and INKEEZE provide the gear and products we need to create our best work and take care of our clients. Their support is crucial, not just for quality tools but also for pushing the industry forward and making these events a success.

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

What else are you passionate about besides tattooing?

In my free time, I love diving into video games and binge-watching TV series. Exploring virtual worlds and following compelling stories helps me unwind and keeps my creativity energized. In the past, I did motocross for many years, but now I’m always traveling, so I can't do it anymore. I’m definitely a real nerd!

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

Tattoo artist Denis Casella aka Posco Losco

What is the main goal of your journey? Share your plans for the future.

I don’t have a set plan, but I have a lot of dreams. The next step might be opening my own shop!