Evgeny Mel is one of the Russian talented tattoo artists. Evgeny moved to Moscow from Chelyabinsk, and this summer managed to visit Ink Mania-the Belgian convention dedicated to the tattoo, and, as Evgeny says, it was his first trip abroad. Mel conquers his style in emerald tones, often with motifs of animals and nature, as well as simple communication.
Evgeny, greetings! Let me start from the beginning. When did you start tattooing and how did it all start for you?
- Hi. In general, I began a long time ago - I was 19 years old (now Evgeny is 27), after my first tattoo on the neck. After it, I, of course, thought: "And what's I worse?" At the time when I started, it was hard with tattoos: I got into the third wave of tattoo artists and I had to learn everything myself, because it was difficult to find a really good master, and it's rather difficult to comprehend the profession. It took me several years to become a master. I believe that I came here as a master when I quit my job and began to study tattoos, around 2012.
Do you have an art education?
- As such, no. How much I remember myself - I always developed, although there was a period when I did not touch either pencils or pens, just after I visited the art school. If this is somehow transmitted on a genetic level, then thanks to dad, he's an artist! (laughs).

Do you remember your first client?
- Oh, of course, it was my friend Seva. But if we talk about professional tattoos, then, honestly, I do not remember. It's like with Darwin: "What came first: a chicken or an egg?". I did not immediately understand what was what, but I gradually got to that point. I worked for a long time, so I do not remember when I started. Only if in Instagram or VK to dig, although this is not first things that I created.
Was it scary to tattoing the first time?
- It's rather incomprehensible. Hands tremble, you do not know where and how to drive a needle, even a machine was difficult to assemble. It's now you can watch the videos on Youtube, but then no.
How do you call your style? What inspires you to create new works?
- I would not named it. My style consists of receptions, like in works of all another masters. At the moment, I use the dotwork, but not classical, if I may say so, array of points. It is real the reception, when every point is put in automatic mode, using needle beating and sharp movements on the skin. I also use my favorite turquoise tones, but this is a feature. I try to always draw a freehand, but there are exceptions when I need, say, a geometric shape or a certain silhouette of an animal. My clients inspire me when they tell me about their ideas, and my imagination enters there.
You were at the Belgian convention, tell us about your feeling.
- Yes exactly! It's my first time went abroad in general. I liked it very much, it does not compare with our convention, because people In Europe, basically get tattoos by conventions, and it's easier to travel from one end of Europe to another than from one end of Russia to another. Even without knowing me there - a live queue lined up to me. I made most of tattoos in my life for a day - 4, tired wildly, but it was worth it.
Are you planning on travel yet? How do you see yourself in the future?
- Yes, I plan to visit the next Ink Mania, in parallel, I can still go somewhere. You know, I'm often invited in many tattoo studios in Europe. Maybe in the near future I will conduct master classes or one-off private lessons. Maybe I'll change the style, but it's not soon.
What advice you can give novice masters, who have a light after did the first tattoo?
- The first thing to understand is that you can not become a tattoo artist in a month, you need to sit and draw more sketches. If you have money, then get a training with a master, but in Russia it's difficult.

So, what do you think about the future of tattoos in Russia?
- Now it is very difficult to compete, there is a big oversaturation of the market. We have incredibly many good masters with their own style, unlike Europe. And the demand for tattoos is less than what the masters offer. Russia in terms of tattoos now on the front line, not for nothing all our masters come to Belgium and take away prizes there. Our guys showed themselves on the good side both in Europe and in America. It is necessary to foreigners to go here to get tattoo, because we have cheap and high-quality. And the guys need to get to Europe.
Thank you very much for the interview, it was nice conversation!
- Thank you! :)

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