Some time ago we told you about the Italian artist Luca Testadiferro and his stylish sketch tattoos.
This type of tattoo is now quite popular, but unfortunately, not often you can meet some really interesting and original works. In this style, a lot of artists-beginners, who are drawn to the apparent ease and speed of execution of stetch-tattoos, but all this ease - deceptive. Luca Testadiferro's works are a great example of a high quality Sketch style tattoos, so we decided to personally talk with the master and learn more about him and his work.
Hello, Luca! Very pleased that we have the opportunity to do this interview. To get started, tell us how it all began? How and when did you come into tattoo, and what you used to do before?
Hi! I started tattooing about 4,5 years ago. I came from graffiti world. One day I went for a company with the friend of mine to tattoo shop to get a tattoo for him. And I was fascinated by everything … I was very curious, so I booked for have a tattoo too.
It was a great experience! I did many tattoos before I thought: “Well, maybe I am able to tattoo something”. So, I bought a tattoo kit and started to practice on fake skin.
Do you have any special training?
No, I was very lucky to started at the Tattoo Artist Studio where Matteo Cascetti taught me everything. I talking not about only the technique (ofcourse he did), but also “how to be a good tattooer” in life…
After this, I started a collaboration with the Kostadorika Tattoo Studio. This is a great studio full of great resident and guest artists.
Do you remember your really first customer and your feelings as the tattoo master, when you did the first tattoo?
Yes ofcourse I do. I made my first tattoo ever on a friend of mine. It was an origami swan and I remember that after I did the first line, I immediatly understood that I wasn’t able to do that. In fact it was not a masterpiece, but it is still on Federico’s leg. The first official tattoo in the Tattoo Artist Studio was a little phrase on a shoulder. I still have the stencil in my memories drawer.
What is the most attractive thing in the tattoo for you?
The things that I love in "the tattoo world" is to share and to learn new things. I really love to talk with my collegues about how they works , what they thinks , what they uses…
I think that to improve is essential as experience as possible, talk to many people as possible and see how they works.
What or who is the source of inspiration for you?
There are really a lot of great artists that it is impossible to call a few names…
That is cool when a person look at tattoo and is able to recognize the artist who made it.
It means that the style is recognizable! And this is what I try to do with my job.
Tell us about the style of your work. What attracted you in sketch-style tattoo?
I really don’t know…I do sketch, because I am able to do it! ahahaha
I love graphic stuff…I think that the sketch style is fun to do! Every time you can change or add something…there are no rules!
What’s features makes your tattoo really yours and unique?
I am glad to hear that you think that my tattoos are unique, ahahaha, thanks!
In my opinion the key is the simplicity. My drawings are really simple: a few lines, but placed in the right spots, and the same is for the color!
As I told you before, it might seem easy, but it is not! The "line" between doing a really nice job and doing a bad tattoo, really thin.
Luca, I want to thank you for the interesting conversation! We are with pleasure waiting for your new works!

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