Maks Kornev is a world famous realistic tattoo master! The founder of the Artefact Tattoo studio in St. Petersburg, the owner of numerous international tattoo conventions and festivals awards, a member of the Pro Team of the most famous tattoo brands, the favourite of the public is here today, in our Exclusive section.
Maks, you know, we are among the army of your devotees and really admire your work! We’re also so glad that such a skilful master of tattoo realism is our compatriot. What was your occupation before you took up tattooing? Who did you want to be when you were a child?
Maks:«Glad to hear that you follow me and take an interest in my work! Thanks a lot. Who did I want to be as a child? Well… Frankly speaking, I don’t even remember, it was so long ago. But I’ve liked drawing since my childhood! Perhaps that’s the reason I went in for tattooing.»
I can see your point! You’ve been tattooing for a long time already and you’re really successful in it. But how did you find your way? Was there someone or something that influenced you and guided you to this art form?
Maks: «Actually no, nobody influenced or forced me. It just happened this way. I saw some material about tattoo on TV or in a magazine, doesn’t matter… And since then I got interested in this sphere. I was sure that it’s interesting and cool – to be a tattoo artist. And from then on, I was carried away. Step by step, I was moving in the right direction… Then I started to take part in conventions, meet other artists and so on.»
Amazing! Did you begin to work in realism straight away or you tried your hand in some other styles? Do you remember your feelings when you were making your first tattoo? Who was your first client?
Maks:«Oh yes, sure, super cool realistic masterpieces right away… Only joking, of course. I started with tribal, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, kitties… I kept perfecting my skills gradually and then approached realism. Then I worked more and more, better and better. I don’t remember my first tattoo… What, who, where... It was too long ago.»
That’s interesting! Many artists seek to join a pro team of some well-known tattoo equipment manufacturer. Could you, please, tell us, how you became part of the World Famous Tattoo Ink Pro Team? What advice can you give to those who haven’t yet achieved that much?
Maks: «Yes, right! There’re sponsors of the World Famous Tattoo Ink Pro Team, such as Fk Irons, Dermalize Pro, Ink Booster. I didn’t contact them myself, they found me on their own and offered me a place in their team. If you make great tattoos, in any style, you’ll not stay unnoticed. Thus, dare, work on the quality of your tattoos.»
There’s a lot in what you say! World Famous Tattoo Ink has recently put out your personal sets of colours. Please, tell us more about them. What’s so peculiar about them and who would you recommend them to?
Maks:«Right, I refilled the palette of the manufacturer, which contains more than 200 colours... Portrait, zombie, blood, skulls… It’s our subject, but you can also use the colours in any other tattoo style. Try them… Hope you’ll like them.»
Sounds great. You’ve already achieved a lot: worldwide recognition, numerous international awards, collaboration with leading tattoo companies, the opening of your Artefact Tattoo studio in St. Petersburg, output of your personal set of colours. Tell us, please, about your plans for the nearest future. Where will we have an opportunity to see you? Are you working on some unique projects?
Maks:«As usual… Studio, conventions, guest spots in some other countries and studios. You can find the list of places I’m going to visit on my FB, VK pages. Usually it’s known in advance when and where I’m going to be.»
I see. Let’s draw a conclusion. People have less fear of the tattoos, they are not afraid of some scaled projects now. Do you feel that the tattoo culture in Russia is leaving the Underground and becoming a self-sufficient art form just like painting or photography?
Maks: «To a certain extent. There’re many studios, artists, the level is going higher. Conventions. But there are still people who condemn tattooers, some artists are afraid that they won’t be understood, can get fired and so on… Still, the main thing is that we’re not marking time… The tattoo culture is developing now.»
Maks, thank you very much for taking the time to interview! From myself I wish all your plans are carried out!
Maks: «Thank you :)»

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