Today, we present to you an interview with Nikita Grinenko, a young and talented tattoo artist from Rostov-on-Don (Russia), specializing in microrealism. We took notice of his work after TATTOOMO 2023, where he secured second place in the «Miniature» category, and decided to delve into the details of his creative journey.

Nikita will share his sources of inspiration, his experiences at conventions, and his plans for the future. He will provide insights into the popularity of microrealism in Russia and shed light on the values and ambitions that drive him in this creative art form.

Tell me a bit about yourself. Where are you from, and where do you work now?

- My name is Nikita, and I'm 30 years old. I got a gold medal in school and have an economics education (laughs). I've been into tattooing for almost 8 years now. I started with regular blackwork/graphic tattoos. I got into miniatures about 3 or 4 years after I began, I don't remember exactly. I'm from Rostov-on-Don in the South of Russia. I've been working at the "MAGNUM" studio for several years. And in my free time, I'm a homebody and enjoy playing computer game.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

How and when did you decide to become a tattoo artist? Who taught you, and what was it like?

- I think it's a classic story. I've been drawing and copying various pictures and artworks since childhood. This continued from school until I finished university with varying degrees of success. I first picked up a tattoo machine in 2015 when I was living in St. Petersburg. It was purely out of curiosity, to see what it was like. Fortunately, I became friends with a tattoo artist, and he kindly let me tattoo his leg with black ink.

I picked up the machine and put it down right away (laughs). It seemed very difficult, uncomfortable, and just plain crazy to me at first.

But when I returned to my hometown after six months, I seriously thought about giving it another try. I looked for people who could teach me the basics and eventually found someone. The training was somewhat superficial and had its quirks, but it gave me a foundation, and I continued to learn on my own. For the most part, I can say that I'm self-taught.

What does the word «tattoo» mean to you?

- Self-expression, style, something along those lines. It's also a form of self-realization for me. It's one of the few things I love doing, and I seem to be good at it.

The basis of your portfolio consists of miniature works in realism. What attracts you to this style?

- I enjoy spending a long time painstakingly drawing all those tiny details. All my studio colleagues call it a quirk, but I, on the contrary, like spending 5-6 hours on a tattoo that's just 10x10 centimeters in size (laughs). It's also a challenge to myself to see how much detail I can capture in such a small space.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

What kinds of subjects do you prefer, and where do you draw your inspiration from?

- I really love doing portraits and characters from video games and cartoons. I'm also drawn to technical and antique themes. It just so happens that I'm a long-time gamer, and that's where I mainly draw my inspiration from.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Since you're a gamer, can you tell me what games you play and which projects from recent years have stood out to you the most?

- My list is quite extensive and diverse, ranging from simple arcade games to MOBA and MMORPG projects. Mostly, at night, we play CS2 or Diablo, or engage in UFC5. My favorite series is Total War, especially anything related to the Warhammer world. Some recent favorites include Total War Warhammer 3, Diablo 4, and Baldur's Gate 3.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

How challenging is it to work on such a small scale? What specific aspects of your work would you highlight?

- Well, it's definitely more challenging than doing the same work on a larger scale. Your eyes get much more tired after a session like that. In terms of specific aspects, I think the key is that small sizes don't forgive mistakes. Due to the size, you need to be extremely focused and attentive. There's no room for relaxation, unlike with ornamental work, for example. Of course, this is based on my personal experience.

What equipment do you use in your work?

- I've been using a Bishop tattoo machine and a power supply from Critical for many years now. I've tried various machines, but one day, I bought a Bishop Fantom, and it just stuck with me. Currently, I'm using the Microangelo with a 4.5mm stroke, which was a gift from friends. I've had it for about 3 or 4 years, can't remember exactly. It has never let me down.

Even the RCA cable, the original one from the Fantom, is still alive after 5 years. And yes, I'm still using cables (laughs). I just can't seem to switch to wireless, even from the same Bishop and Critical. I doubt I'll change brands anytime soon; I really like what I have.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

In your opinion, how popular is microrealism in Russia? And why?

- Microrealism has become quite popular in recent times. When I first got into it, it wasn't as popular. Perhaps people's tastes have changed, or it has become more well-known because more artists have started working in this style. The style has been actively evolving. 

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Do you have favorite tattoos, clients, projects, or any unusual stories in your career?

- I'm very self-critical when it comes to my work, so I can't pinpoint which of my works I would call "favorites." There have been some good projects like the fighter or the hare, but I wouldn't risk calling them "masterpieces." In every work, I always find something to nitpick.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Are there tattoo artists or artists who inspire you? Whose work do you follow? Do you have favorites?

- It all started with Alex Sorsa and Dmitry Troshin. From the very beginning and up to this day, I've been closely following their work. Most likely, it's because of their work that I started experimenting with this style and technique. Initially, I tried to figure out how they achieved such results, and it seemed impossible to me. Sometimes, it still does.

By the way, I was lucky to attend a master class by Dmitry Troshin at the International Moscow Tattoo Convention organized by Pavel Angel. I also follow the works of Sebaztian Maranta, Inal Bersekov, and Goldy z. Of course, there are many more artists I follow, probably around 50 or more, but these were the first to come to mind.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Have you had any experience participating in conventions? Tell me about it.

- Yes, I do have some experience with conventions, although it's not that extensive. My first experience was in 2017 at a small, modest festival that didn't even have an official name. This festival had three prize categories in realism, traditional, and graphic styles. It was there that I won my first award in the graphic category.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Then, in 2019, I attended International Moscow Tattoo Convention, but I was a model, not an artist at that time. Subsequently, in the autumn of 2019, I participated as an artist at TATTOOMO in Voronezh. I competed in the Best of Show category but, unfortunately, I wasn't quite prepared for the high level of competition and didn't win an award. However, that competition brought me a lot of positive experiences and new acquaintances.

This year, in 2023, I participated in TATTOOMO in Voronezh again and secured the second place in the miniature category with some of my well-established works.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Do you travel a lot for work? Where and with whom have you had the opportunity to work? Can you share your most significant experiences?

- Not really. I travel to Moscow a couple of times a year. I recently visited Blackwood Tattoo Club, run by Sergey Eremin, and saw him three times in a week (laughs). Four years ago, I worked at Fabrik 13 with Anjelika Kartasheva, but that was in Rostov. I observed how she did graywash tattoos.

Тату мастер Никита Гриненко (@nikitka.heretic)

Do you have a goal for your journey? Share your plans for the future.

- My plans for the future are quite modest: I want to continue honing my skills and participating in conventions, with the ultimate goal of winning, of course. The past year has shown that it's quite achievable. I would also like to travel the world and personally meet tattoo artists I've been following for many years. I'm working on all the necessary documents for this. It's about time, as I'm already 30 years old.