Introducing Roman Vainer: A Tattoo Artist with a Passion for his Craft. Born and raised in the city of Arkhangelsk (Russia), he brings a unique spirit of the North and the warmth of its people into his artwork. In this interview, Roman will share his journey in the world of tattooing, the influence of pop culture on his work, and the extraordinary projects that inspire him every day. Let's dive into the world of his tattoos and discover his plans for the future.
Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you currently work?
- My name is Roman Vainer, and I have an immense passion for creating tattoos. I was born and raised in Arkhangelsk, the capital of the North, known for its vibrant culture. Currently, I work at Vainertattoo studio alongside some of the best colleagues in the world.

When and why did you decide to become a tattoo artist? Who were your mentors and how did it happen?
- I made the decision to become a master at the young age of 13 after being inspired by tattoo magazines. I started drawing my first tattoo catalog back then. Initially, I learned the basics on my own, but fortunately, I was soon taken under the wing of Alexey Makarov, a master from tattoo studio "Tatau", who taught me everything, including the crucial aspect of client communication.

Do you have a formal artistic education?
- Unfortunately, my education is limited to completing a secondary art college.
Why did you choose color realism as your style? What attracts you to it?
- Over the course of 15 years in the tattoo industry, I've experimented with various styles, but color realism has always captivated me, especially its technique. Additionally, I'm a huge fan of pop culture, and executing its motifs in a realistic style brings me immense pleasure.

What unique aspects can you highlight in your works?
- From my perspective, I don't have any specific features. I'm still in search of my own style or signature and constantly experimenting.
Your portfolio showcases a diverse range of subjects, but it seems you have a lot of work based on popular movies. Are you a film enthusiast? Could you name your top 5 favorite movies?
- I'm a devoted fan of movies, music, comics, and pop culture in general. My top 5 favorite movies are RoboCop, both Terminator films, Guardians of the Galaxy, Blade Runner, and Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. It's quite challenging to pick just five movies since there are so many great ones out there.

Do you usually work on your own projects or do clients bring their ideas? Tell us how your projects come to life.
- Most of the time, I work on clients' ideas, which doesn't bother me at all because I can always develop their concepts into something extraordinary. As for my individual projects, ideas come to me unexpectedly. The most important thing is to jot them down in notes. And sketching always happens in the mornings over a cup of coffee.

There is a common belief that realism limits an artist's creative potential. What are your thoughts on this? And how do you express yourself as an artist within the realm of realism?
- Looking at my paintings, one gets the feeling that there are no boundaries. When it comes to tattoos, I agree that there are limitations, but it doesn't bother me. I firmly believe that even with the same photograph, different artists would execute it differently, from composition to execution.

Do you have any favorite tattoos, clients, projects, or perhaps some unusual stories in your career?
- I always remember the portrait of Yeltsin on my friend. The execution might not have been the best, but the presentation and the idea behind the tattoo were incredibly strong. I have numerous favorite projects, but the most beloved one is yet to come.

Are there any tattoo artists or artists in general who inspire you? Whose work do you follow? Do you have any favorites?
- Many artists inspire me, but I'm always happy to highlight the works of Den Yakovlev, Sivak, Levgen Knysh, Alexey Mashkov, and Sergey "Character ne Sahar." I highly respect tattoo artists who express their thoughts on canvas besides tattoos.

Do you travel a lot? Where have you been, and where do you plan to go in the future?
- I travel extensively. I have visited half of Europe, attended various festivals, and have been to the United States and a few places in Asia. In the future, I plan to explore more of Russia.
Have you participated in tattoo conventions? Share your experience with us.
- I participated in my first tattoo festival in 2012. The experience was incredible, with sweaty palms, adrenaline, and a whirlwind of emotions. Unfortunately, I rarely attend festivals at the moment, but I hope to change that.

In addition to tattooing, you also create oil paintings. How do these two aspects, tattoos and painting, intersect in your creativity?
- Canvas and oil painting strongly intersect with tattooing. I would even say that when painting on canvas, you gain even more experience for future tattoos. Moreover, my paintings occasionally transform into tattoos.
Oil painting on canvas - artist Roman Vainer
What is the most important aspect of a tattoo artist's career for you? What goals do you set for yourself?
- The most important aspect for me is personal growth. Constantly feeling the competition around me keeps me from stagnation, and of course, valuing my clients.

Could you share your plans for the near future?
- I would love to attend festivals in the United States. It's also about time to start participating in festivals in Russia. Additionally, I hope to complete five canvases by autumn.
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