The next guest of our iNKPPL Talks column was the famous tattoo artist - Zhenya Remova.

For Zhenya - this is the first big interview, which was a real revelation. In the interview, the tattoo artist talked about how she found herself in a tattoo, about methods of cognition, travel, conventions and much more.

Fans of soulful conversations will definitely enjoy it!

Tattoo artist Zhenya Remova, black design tattoo, graphics | Russia
Tattoo artist Zhenya Remova, black design tattoo, graphics | Russia
Tattoo artist Zhenya Remova, black design tattoo, graphics | Russia
Tattoo artist Zhenya Remova, black design tattoo, graphics | Russia
Tattoo artist Zhenya Remova, black design tattoo, graphics | Russia
Tattoo artist Zhenya Remova, black design tattoo, graphics | Russia