Tattoo Contraindications

According to statistics, every person has at least thought about getting a tattoo at some point in their life. However, not everyone can adorn their body with a tattoo due to the invasive nature of the tattooing process, which involves breaking the skin's integrity.
As a result, our delicate bodies impose several restrictions and health requirements on individuals, which can be categorized into two groups: chronic and temporary contraindications.
Chronic Contraindications to Tattoo
Chronic contraindications primarily include any diseases related to:
Blood clotting disorders: hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, fibrinopenia. These disorders typically manifest as excessive bleeding and difficulties in stopping it when the skin is injured. If you have one of these blood clotting disorders, several issues may arise during your tattoo session:
- Due to heavy bleeding, most of the injected pigment will be flushed out of your body, resulting in uneven colors and blurred lines.
- Excessive bleeding complicates the tattoo artist's work, increasing the risk of a low-quality tattoo.
- There is a real risk of excessive bleeding.
These conditions require constant medical supervision. If you plan to get a tattoo, consult with your doctor first.

Insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes mellitus or complex type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should consult an endocrinologist before a tattoo session due to the following reasons:
- Diabetes disrupts the natural tissue regeneration process, prolonging the tattoo's healing period, which may take up to 2 months, requiring more attentive care.
- A tattoo session involves prolonged painful sensations, leading to adrenaline release and increased sugar consumption from the blood.
Oncology and chronic acute inflammatory diseases.
Severe viral diseases: HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, Syphilis, etc.
Severe skin diseases: psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (eczema), etc.
Chronic high blood pressure: hypertension.
All of the above-mentioned diseases require ongoing active treatment. Consultation with your primary healthcare provider regarding the possibility or impossibility of getting a tattoo should always take precedence over a similar consultation with a tattoo artist in your chosen shop.
Temporary Contraindications to Tattoo
Temporary contraindications include:
- Various forms of colds that result in increased body temperature: FLU, ARVI, etc.
- Acute allergic skin reactions.
- Temporary weakening of the immune system.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- Recent stroke.
- Alcohol or drug intoxication.
- Physical damage to the skin area where the tattoo is planned.
- For women, tattoos are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menstruation.

Temporary contraindications are often disregarded when consulting tattoo artists, which is a mistake. The tattooing process itself is considered a significant stressor for our bodies. As a result, our bodies produce various substances for protection, which can affect the application process itself by interacting with the injected pigments and the subsequent healing of the tattoo.
Stay healthy and treat your body with respect!
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