Bern Tattoo Convention 2018

02 - 04 November 2018
Bern Tattoo Convention 2018


FRIDAY 15:00 – 00:00
SATURDAY 12:00 – 00:00
SUNDAY 12:00 – 19:00

Welcome to the 4th Tattoo Convention Bern!

Once again we would like to guide you with our artists, piercer’s and seller’s through the tattooworld, at the Festhalle Bern Expo.
National and international artists will make the Convention to an unforgettable experience for you.

Piercer’s, different kind of sellers and socially engaged exhibitors will provide with musical entertainment the highlights. Our homepage as well as our facebook event will hold you constantly up-to-date. Simple pass by once in a while!

An event which goes under the skin! We look forward to see you all there

Hosted by Wonderworld Tattoo & Piercing

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