We regret having to announce that we are obliged to postpone the June Tattoo Barcelona 2020 scheduled date. We already have two dates reserved before the end of the year but due to the events we are experiencing we will continue to pay attention to the news that we will receive soon and the indications of the Department of Health before giving another date with total security.
We continue working so that our events can be carried out with total normality, so please stay by our side and supporting all our artists !
– Barcelona Tattoo Expo
Pavelló Italià
Plaça de Carles Buïgas, 8,
08038 Barcelona
Only Tattoo Barcelona
Nacido de la Barcelona Tattoo Expo, que este año celebrará su 3 edición, presentamos la 4ª Convención Nacional de Tatuaje de Barcelona.
Durante dicho evento podréis admirar algunos de los mejores talentos que tatuan en nuestro país.
Durante la convención se realizarán tres concursos diarios.
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