2020 11th Tattoo Convention
Important announcement:
Taiwan Tattoo Convention established in 2009 and the purpose is to allow every outstanding tattoo artist to show their talents and communicate to others through this good platform. Recently, Covid-19 has been gradually slowing down in Taiwan attributing to the great efforts from the government and medical personnel. However, there are still many countries suffering from the epidemic.
For health and safety reason, we decide to postpone Taiwan Tattoo Convention from this October to 2021. The exact date is to be confirmed.
Tai, the host of Taiwan Tattoo Convention, sincerely apologizes to all the friends who are looking forward to this convention, the people who have purchased tickets, tattooists and our special guests. Sorry for the inconvenience and the late announcement.
The first half of 2020 is not perfect but we strongly believe that everything will turn up better in the second half. See you all next year in Kaohsiung and hope you all the best.
*Latest information will be posted on our official fan page and Instagram. Stay tuned and pay close attention to us.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us via below platforms!
Facebook fan page/Instagram:
taiwan tattoo convention
*The conference retains the final decision and choice of activities! Pre-sale tickets and extension of all guest rights and interests will be retained.
Yun-Tai, Chen
The host
International Convention Center Kaohsiung
274, Zhongzheng 4th Rd.
Yancheng Dist. Kaohsiung,
Taiwan Tattoo Convention
20th to 22nd March 2020, The 11th International Taiwan Tattoo Convention will be held. Especially on Saturday we will have 9 tattoo artists from around the world who will be given time to work creatively together to inks the whole back of one person at the same time.
For the 11th Anniversary Tattoo Convention in Taiwan, those tattoo artists was images about The Acala (traditional classic tattoo) in the beginning then drawing together after, and each one of them has personal style for inks, and they will cooperating to done it in one day, This is mean something huge overfulfil for this time.
Well, don’t missed this impressive tattoo show, your coming will be the biggest support to us.
2020 11th台灣國際紋身藝術展暨世界頂尖刺青大賽
活動日期 Date :3 /20~22(伍.六.日)
地點 location :高雄國際會議中心
地址 address :高雄市鹽埕區中正四路274號
購票專線 TEL:07-3418877·0989194403
活動時間 Time :12:00~21:00·最終日20:00閉展
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