Budapest TattooCon


Dear Everyone!

Believe me, we are the most sorry….!!!
The current event limit of 500 people until 15 August (Artists participating in the event are their model, performers, helpers) and the lack of state celebrations on 20 August made it uncertain organizing the event according to the original concept, therefore we had to make this very difficult decision and postpone it to 2021
Nobody knows how the virus situation and related measures are going, so we cannot take any further financial and moral risk.

The location will not change, MOM Sport will remain with the exact date later!

Hope to see you next year! In the meantime, follow us, we will have more news to give!

Tickets purchased are tixa. hu can be redeemed or valid for our next event!


MoM SPORT Centre
Budapest, 1123 Csörsz Street 14-16.

The 3 day event will host nearly 150 international and Hungarian tattoo artists.

With various concerts, cultural and family events and a kids’ corner, it’s promising to be a fun weekend programs for all.

We can guarantee that the brilliant talent on show and the character of the amazing venue will hold your interest even if you’re not a keen follower of the world of tattoo.

See you at the Budapest TattooCon!

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