Transilvania Tattoo Expo 2024

The State Philharmonics Sibiu – Thalia Concert Hall
Strada Cetății 3-5, Sibiu 550160,

Transilvania Tattoo Expo 2024

Transilvania Tattoo Expo se afla la editia nr 12 , am inceput in 2009, fiind prima conventie internationala de tatuaje din Romania. Am luat o pauza datorata pandemiei si iata ca revenim anul acesta cu o noua editie. De-a lungul timpului am fost onorati cu participanti de marca ai scenei tattoo internationale , cum ar fi Robert Hernandez , Victor Portugal , Takami Horikoshi , Mike Skiver , Carl Crace ,Stefano Alcantara , Benjamin Moss , Victor Policheri , John Montgomery , Maximo Lutz si multi altii.

Transilvania Tattoo Expo is in its 12th edition, We started in 2009, being the first international tattoo convention in Romania. We took a break due to the pandemic and here we are back this year with a new edition. Over time we have been honored with famous participants of the international tattoo scene, such as Robert Hernandez, Victor Portugal, Takami Horikoshi, Mike Skiver, Carl Crace, Stefano Alcantara, Benjamin Moss, Victor Policheri, John Montgomery, Maximo Lutz, and many others.

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