Messe Frankfurt – Forum
Forum, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1,
60327 Frankfurt am Main,
Gods Of Ink Tattoo Convention 2025
Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Gods of Ink Tattoo Convention! Come and join us at the Messe Frankfurt Forum from 28-30 March 2025 and see the work of world-famous tattoo artists!
As I made known over a year ago, London is a chapter that came to a close with the passing of my business partner and brother-in-life Marcus Berriman. For me, London was Marcus, and without him, doing it made no sense anymore. I decided it was a time for renewal—that 15 years in London was enough for an event the goal of which had been to be so international that it would actually lose any geographical connotation.
Now for the hard part: to find a city that could tick all the boxes with an international airport convenient for arrivals from all parts of the world, a metropolis interesting enough to form the backdrop for this kind of gathering, and, last but not least, or rather in first place in terms of priorities, not already the location of a tattoo convention. Unlike certain other organizers, I have always respected the ethical rule that you don’t go promote a convention where someone else is already organizing one, i.e., don’t go down the track already beaten by another.
Finally, I found everything I was looking for in Frankfurt.
Frankfurt was the venue for one of the longest-lived historic European conventions, which continued for almost thirty years but was discontinued some years ago, leaving it open and fertile ground for replanting a new event. And so Frankfurt became my “red point.” But I also wanted to distinguish myself from the old event and put the seal on a new departure, starting with the name, in order to avoid confusion with the previous convention.
So here it is, GODS OF INK, a name that brings me back to my roots in the nineties, back to the beginning of my career on the tattoo scene, as well as recalling my deep love of heavy metal.
Once again, the selection process for artists will be solely and exclusively based on merit, just like it always was for London. The number of followers, notoriety on social media, or celebrity status on some television shows have never been and certainly won’t now be among the prerequisites for that list I have drawn up every time I’ve decided to put my own reputation and that of Tattoo Life on the line and involve the people in this sector who I most respect in something that will certainly only grow with the support of everybody.
I, therefore, invite you all to save the date 28-29-30 March 2025 because the great names in tattoos are going to be in the spotlight once again, this time in Frankfurt.
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