Stadthalle Aurich
Bürgermeister-Anklam-Platz, 26603 Aurich,
Auricher Tattoo Weekend 2025
Hello Aurich,
Tattoo art, once the symbol of subcultures and outsiders, has steadily penetrated into the mainstream of society in recent years; what was once reserved for rockers, punks or even non-conformist artists now adorns lawyers and supermarket cashiers alike.
The fact that tattooing is no longer just the hallmark of a few clearly definable fringe groups, but now has something to offer practically everyone, is mainly due to the artistic and technical revolution, which has led to an enormous increase in styles and expression possibilities within the tattoo scene, particularly in the last ten years.
While stereotypical motifs such as skulls, snakes, dragons and roses only appealed to a small audience in the past, practically anything is possible in the tattoo field today.
Watercolor motifs and graphic designs, photorealistic portraits or even abstract motifs suddenly arouse interest in permanent skin decoration in people who would never have warmed to classic tattoo motifs. At the same time, traditional styles such as maritime motifs, Asian designs or tribal tattoos from the South Seas are constantly reinventing themselves and ensuring that established tattoo customers are always offered something new.
With this variety of styles, motifs and genres, tattoo newbies in particular find it difficult to keep track. Tattoo fairs such as the “Aurich Tattoo Weekend, which will take place from March 29th & 30th, 2025” in the Aurich town hall offer orientation; numerous artists from a wide variety of tattoo styles are represented here, so that interested visitors can find out more on site and have the opportunity to directly compare various genres of tattoo art in order to find the style that suits them and, under certain circumstances, even get a tattoo during the weekend.
An informative stage program, tattoo competitions with prizes for the most beautiful tattoos, jewelry and scene clothing retailers. don’t miss it.. There will be a tattoo contest every day where the artists will be awarded prizes for their work. Furthermore, a wide range of international works will be shown, which you would actually have to travel around the globe to experience. We look forward to experiencing this colorful time together with you in the Aurich town hall.
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