Puerto Rico Convention Center
100 Bulevar Saint John,
San Juan, 00907
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention 2024
Regresa en su 7ta edición, la “Convención Internacional de Tatuajes de Puerto Rico”, el evento de tatuajes más importante de América Latina. Ven a tatuarte con uno de los 180 artistas más respetados del mundo o compite en las 20 categorías disponibles. Aparta la fecha, del 06 al 08 de diciembre en el Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico.
At Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention we are reuniting many of the world’s best tattooers from every style focused on the passionate side of tattooing. Contests have also been taken into consideration to be a serious, non-bias, non-politic event but also a different approach for the serious collector who has been collecting from a well-thought small piece to the commitment of a full bodysuit.
Puerto Rico Tattoo Convention is created to gather the best tattoo artists and collectors from all over the world and place them in the greatest place in the Caribbean…
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