“It’s alive!” Do you remember this classic phrase, which was exclaimed by dr.Frankenstein, when his monster came to life? Today we are ready to repeat it over and over, because the monster is already here! At one sight of it skin gets the chills, and legs begin to run away! Yes! We are speaking precisely about it. About the world-wide sensational 112 Magnum from AbuSev Tattoo!
In 2016 we have introduced you with Ruslan and Tonya Abusev and their unbelievable Black-Work projects, but today we want to speak about their big, no… HUGE 112 Magnum, which has already left an imposing mark in the history of the world tattoo-industry. Why and what for – we will find out from the creator. Ruslan Abusev is with us today.

How did the idea of this needle configuration was born?
- I will begin with the origins. Since I always loved to make large tattoos fast, I was in need of a suitable tool, which would respond to my personal high requests. That concerns tattoo machines and all other equipment. For that reason further conversation will be about how I at last began creating my own equipment, because I couldn’t find anything suitable on the market.

The birth of the idea about development of large needles configuration and a universal tattoo machine happened in 2016 – 2017, when I came across large color solid ink. But I only began implementing it in 2019, because I collected information mindfully: studied soldering, chemistry and physics. So overall, the creation of 112 magnum was suggested to me by my tattoo customers, many of them were like “Rulsan, is there a way to ink faster?" And I began looking for a solution.

Since 2016 in terms of Cyber-Black style and in large Black-Work tattoos and cover ups I often used a classic 49 Magnum, but even that was not enough for me. The configuration and type of the solder was not suitable either. So there was plenty of motivation.

At first there was no intention to earn from this, I simply wanted to build a new type of equipment for my personal comfort in work and for a better result.
How many iterations of 112 magnum needles were from prototype to today? How were these needles tested?
- Over one and a half years there were several versions of 112 magnum, there were many intermediate versions, I’ll show you some of the form factor and those that became a series of the product. They were tested together with my customers on our sessions. Many were very enthusiastic about this, we filmed many funny videos that keep getting thousands of views on Tik Tok and Instagram, some have gone over million of views.

Is this the largest sold magnum needle?
- Today, 112 Magnum, is the largest, SERIAL, working and anti-traumatic configuration of needles in the world. It works without excess beating on all straight-running tattoo machines with engines starting from 5 watt! There were no other specialists that have attended the creation of this needle apart from myself. The workshop soldering the needles is located in Moscow. We also have the equipment for disposable grips and large ink cups casting. Cleaning, sterilization, packing and logistics, all happen from there.
In other words, the idea to ink people in a faster way has developed into a worldwide business under my brand name – AbuSev Tattoo. Overseas tattooers have supported me with their interest on Instagram, when I began to upload the first videos with the 112 Magnum at the end of 2019. They were in need of such a product, but they did not know yet about it, before I showed it to them.

I can’t deny that some parts of the tattoo world were biased about Black-Work tattoos and even towards a 49 magnum, but today 112 Magnum is a normal thing for the world and is a trend towards the creation of second-rate analogues.
How do customers overcome the meeting with the 112 magnum? Did it ever happen that somebody ran away in the sight of this needle?
- It may be surprising, but people come to me specially to see and experience these needles, and to receive saturated results on skin. The results are always outstanding when the project is completed.

Everybody who has bought my needles, notice their productiveness, compared to the classic solders. By today, we are already producing several types of configurations, starting from 25 magnum and higher. As well as that we produce disposable grippers for 112 magnum and ink cups with silicone bottom, which protects your needles from an accidental hit while grabbing the ink.

You have previously mentioned that your magnums are developed with the skin traumatization control. How is that possible?
- I’ll be brief, the reason for the needle being anti-traumatic is covered inside the actual solder, new capillary effect, the weight balance, diameter of the needles and some other secrets that I can not unfold. That is exactly what I wanted from the beginning, so that the viewer has a question, how can such a big magnum actually ink the skin? Provocation – is a good self marketing tool. At every demonstration I break all the stereotypes. Even more to that, the result of pigment saturation and the speed of healing after the session is far better with my needles, rather than with classic configurations, especially on difficult cover ups.

What do you think has changed in the tattoo world after the release of your magnum?
- Excuse me for being tedious, but from what I see, after the popularization of 112 Magnum, a regular 49 Magnum that used to scare everyone is not somewhere in the dusty history together with everyone who has thought that large magnums – are not a working tool. Also I’ve noticed that the format of videos made by my follower tattooers on Tik Tok and Instagram has also changed. There have appeared some underdeveloped copies of my magnum from different manufacturers. However they only leave a slight mark and trauma on skin, but they don’t ink well as it should be.

Some tattooers use this as a trend, like a part of their own content for the growth of reach and attraction of new clientele for Black-Work, which has become trendy too within cover ups and large body suit tattoos. Which was different in 2018 - 2019.
Your presentation of Krucio is impressive. Any construction work – is a big work. Are you the only developer? What do you think popular models on the market lack of? And which problems Krucio solves for the tattoo artist?
- Krucio Universal 2.0 tattoo machine – is my personal development. Starting from the design, the naming, the choice of all its components, the full check before shipping to the buyer, and in some cases the full assembly of the machine. Of course I’m not the one working at the CNC machine to turn a piece of aluminum into the frame of Krucio Universal. For that case there are specialists of metal processing. However I control all the processes, think through the geometry of the machine, I do all the 3D modeling of the machine, choose the components and their placement, and do all the testing in work.
I think that developers of machines should work with their creation all the time to fully understand the product and what can be improved. That is my personal position and philosophy. I also think that it’s exactly what is missing in the other popular brands.

To the question of what tattooers’ problems are solved by Krucio Universal 2.0, I'll be very honest: Krucio’s solid ink and lines will be decent in any hands. It combines the sharp hit of a coil machine, because of the magnetic compensator, and the power of a 40w engine will push any needle. Even if you use it on low voltage it will push any magnum needle.
Also my goal was to receive the Tebori effect for the best solid ink on premade needles and of course the universality for all groups of needles and cartridges.
Krucio Universal 2.0 has fabulous mechanical durability of all the nodes no matter the load, which means that a tattooer won’t worry about its performance.

One of the main wishes for the tattoo machine was to have a large potential of power and speed. This gives the possibility for growing tattooers’ technical skills, which in its turn means the faster achieved results. Time – is a priceless resource.
And of course, a tattoo machine should overcome the time in terms of its category and be well capable of new tasks and techniques, which a tattooer may request from his/her equipment.
It has a very thoroughly developed design and functionality. It’s obvious, this development – is a search for your personal ideal tattoo machine. How does it work in other hands?
- "A cool tattoo machine does not make you the best among others, it only gives you a chance to become better". As I said earlier, anyone who likes to work with needles apart from cartridges will feel the superiority of Krucio Universal among other machines, but as it’s in any industry, there should be a good user for the good tool, that is an important thing.
Who among famous tattoo artists has already purchased Krucio?
- In our time of Instagram and Tik Tok there are so many popular tattooers, that it’s simply given. In some communities they are very popular, in others they aren’t. But I would like to name @blackironmonk from the Inkedmag Team, a very outstanding user of Krucio. As well as that our other products (112 magnum) were purchased by tattooers like Thomas Hooper, Dilon Forte, 3Kreuze and others.

Brain Box, what is this creature? Tell us more!
- Brain Box is the electronic brain with a special firmware code. The firmware controls the engine, its power at the moment of load change, whether it’s cartridges you are using or a 112 Magnum. The control and auto-management of the machine in work frees the tattooer from any thoughts of the settings.
In other words Brain Box reads the work of the engine and thinks how to set it up for the tattooer. This is one of the features in Krucio Universal that lets you work with any needles without excess trauma of skin.

This is like "future comes early"!
- Soon there will be Krucio Unversal 3.0 – you will be pleasantly surprised.
What’s next? Share your plans with us.
- In close time I’m planning to present my new development, which will equalize the chances between junior and professional tattooers in terms of solid-inking the skin. I’m sure it’ll change the tattoo market for ever!
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