Looking at thousands of tattoo artists' works every day, leafing through endless portfolio albums, you come to the realization that in the vast expanses of the fertile field of modern tattoo art, you are consciously looking for something special.
Something, that stops your's gaze, attracts attention and does not let it go, literally forcing you to study this art, penetrating deeper and deeper into the work of a certain person.

Today, Moscow tattoo artist Sergey Eremin has become such a person.
In fact, this is not the first time I've come across Sergey’s work, because he is actively developing not only within the walls of the studio, but also annually participates in tattoo conventions and collaborations with other famous and popular tattooists, each time creating a real sensation among true fans of modern tattoos.

Oh yes, we often say the phrase modern tattoo, but we never explain what it is and how it differs from a classic tattoo.
Here, my friends, everything is extremely simple. In a classic tattoo, there is a fairly strict division of tattoo in style and application technique, just like in painting. Modern tattoo does not have any boundaries, there are no clearly calibrated styles and rules, and nothing restricts the freedom of expression of artists.

And as a clear example of a modern tattoo - the work of Sergey Eremin. Pure creativity without any boundaries. His tattoos perfectly combine portrait realism, graphics, new school, ornamentalism, sketch, humor and excellent technical performance. And his love for cats and beautiful models is a completely different story!
So, enough words - enjoy!

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