Sometimes the expression of the strongest feelings does not require an overly detailed form. This phrase is confirmed by the tattoos of a Canadian tattoo artist known under the pseudonym The Wolf Rosario.

Using predominantly black color and a flat, stenciled image in his tattoos he achieves a powerful visual effect that is reminiscent graffiti of the world famous Banksy.

The plots of The Wolf Rosario's works are less politically oriented and are more oriented towards expressing human feelings, fears and strong emotions.
Here is passion and love, sin and religion, death and life, eternity and emptiness, despair and hope. Everyone will easily find among Rosario's tattoos something resonating with the heart, soul or mind.

For more than 10 years of career, he has gained fame as a bright and courageous artist, so we are pleased to invite you to enjoy real contemporary tattoo art performed by The Wolf Rosario.

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