You are not a fan of traditional tattoos? Do not rush to say so while you have not seen Eddie Czaicki's work!

Bright, colorful pictures framed by thick contours, moderately large and unrealistically cool - it's all about Eddie's tattoos! I can honestly admit that these are some of the best traditional tattoos I've ever seen.

Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France

A slightly expanded color scheme, the use of pastel colors in the works gives some visual distinction to Eddie’s tattoos from the others traditional tattoos. But in spite of these distinctive features, they still remain within the classical tattooing.

Today, when the desing experiments of the artists try to find reflection in the modern tattoo, it is nice to see high-quality work in the classic tattoo direction. It is for this classic, people from all over the world come to Paris (France), in the desire to get a piece of Eddie's art.

Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France

In addition to working in the studio, he travels a lot, working at international conventions and tattoo festivals. This means that you have a great opportunity to break through the busy schedule of the master's booking and get your new tattoo!

Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France
Tattoo artist Eddie Czaicki,  color traditional tattoo, authors style, old school | Paris, France