Do you like really unusual tattoos?
Then you definitely need to get acquainted with the work of tattoo artist Jio Maia and her version of the Chaotic Blackwork.

A native of Russia, she moved to Portugal with her mother at the age of 9. Jio creates tattoos from the intricacies of many lines, organized chaos, which shows images that embody human emotions.
It is the emotional component of Jio Maia's works that can be traced first of all.

Her tattoos clash love and hate, life and death, despair and delight! It is amazing how she manages to convey the fullness of these emotions with only lines.
Each Jio’s tattoo is unique, the design is never repeated from client to client, just as human destinies are not repeated exactly.
Jio Maia actively travels the world without a permanent «base», however, most often it can be found in Berlin and San Francisco.

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